In every season, there are great opportunities to discover nature in the heart of Edmonton's river valley parks system. The John Janzen Nature Centre offers programs, events, exhibits and information to help raise awareness and understanding of nature in an urban setting. There are also two walking trails that provide a chance to experience nature on your own.
Explore our fascinating natural world all year round through a variety of activities geared for all ages and interest groups. The Exhibit Room is home to live small native animals like the salamander and the garter snake. The living pond community shows you life on the small scale, and an active working beehive allows a (safe) glimpse into a co-operative organization like you've never seen before.
The Richardson Ground Squirrel Hill Exhibit is fascinating and the Backyard Composting Education Centre provides information and examples of composting in action. The gift store has a large selection of nature books, field guides and outdoorsy gift items.
Labour Day-Victoria Day: weekdays 9-4, weekends & holidays 1-4. Victoria Day-Canada Day: weekdays 9-4, weekends & holidays 11-6. Canada Day-Labour Day: weekdays 9-6, weekends & holidays 11-6. Admission by donation. Wheelchair accessible. Located next to Fort Edmonton Park, entrance at the corner of Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive, Edmonton. .
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