The Provincial Archives of Alberta acquires and preserves records of enduring value-on paper, sound tape, microfilm and microfiche, moving
image, or in photographs. The holdings are a significant resource for anyone researching Albertas heritage. They include information on businesses, churches, vital statistics, government, and many organizations, as well as the personal manuscripts of noteworthy Albertans.
Reference staff would be pleased to help you with your research, and youll find many guide books and inventories to the Archives holdings. There is a good nonlending library of books on Alberta topics, and an excellent collection of local histories.
The Provincial Archives offers a variety of products and services at reasonable prices, including prints of historic photographs, copies of tapes and films, postcards and cards for all occasions, and t-shirts emblazoned with memorable historical images. Custom items can be made. Research and translation services are available for a fee. Call for a full listing of products and services. You can also view changing exhibits of archival material.
Full service Tues-Fri 9-4:30. Limited service Tues-Wed 4:30-9:00, Sat 9-5. Closed Sun & Mon. No admission is charged.
Provincial Archives of Alberta
8555 Roper Road
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5W1
Within Alberta, dial to be connected toll free.
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