Glenbow, one of the largest museums in Canada, is full of treasures, precious artifacts and poignant stories that will keep you and your family intrigued for hours.
On the fourth floor, a castle armourer pounds out a new steel sword for a knight. The royal orchestra announces the arrival of the king to a West African village. Finely cut gems twinkle while fluorescent minerals glow in the dark. And a teenager adds yet another earring to her adorned ear. Four interactive exhibitions document these stories.
Discover the colourful characters and significant events that shaped the development of western Canada on Glenbows third floor. From a Blackfoot tipi and the elegant quillwork of the Plains Cree, to the precious belongings of early European settlers and the hard-won comforts of a settlers cabin, Glenbow introduces visitors to our western heritage.
Glenbows art collection combines the fresh visions of contemporary Alberta artists with historical works by many of Canadas noted early artists. Special exhibitions introduce paintings, sculpture, and photography from world collections.
The comprehensive Archives contain more than two million images and over 3.5 kilometers of unpublished manuscripts, records, papers, journals, letters and diaries of western Canadian history. An unparalleled Reference Library comprises over 100,000 books, periodicals, newspapers, journals, catalogues and rare maps focusing on western Canada. Glenbow Museum is a valuable resource centre for researchers, students, and history buffs.
Open Oct-Apr: Tues-Sun 9-5. May-Sept: daily 9-5. Admission is charged. Wheelchair accessible. Restaurant services. Giftshop hours, Winter: Tues-Sat 9:30-5:30, Sun-Mon noon-5. Summer: daily 9:30-5:30. 130 Ninth Avenue SE, Calgary.. E-mail: Web site:
Glenbow Museum Website
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