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Dinosaur Provincial Park

Dinosaur Provincial Park is at the heart of the awe-inspiring Alberta badlands. Located just north of the Trans-Canada Highway near Brooks, this is Alberta’s desert, with barely 30 cm (12 inches) of moisture a year! In 1979 the park was declared a United Nations World Heritage Site for three reasons: renowned fossil beds dating back to the Late Cretaceous Period (containing evidence of 35 species of dinosaurs), the largest area of badlands in Canada, and the unique riparian (riverside) habitat along the Red Deer River supporting many rare species of plants and animals. To protect this precious heritage, much of the park is managed as a Natural Preserve, with public access limited to conducted interpretive tours.

Hiking in this area in the peak of summer can be grueling, with average daily maximum temperatures over 30û C (86û F). A visit in spring or autumn can be enjoyable, with more pleasant weather. As well, without the crowds of summer, wildlife is less timid and can be observed more easily. Allow yourself at least a day and a half for your visit. Two full days is recommended by park staff.

Tours of the Natural Preserve run mid-May till mid-October. Sit back and relax on a 90-minute bus tour, or strap on your walking shoes and take part in guided hikes to bone beds. Book these in advance, beginning May 1. The park also has five self-guiding trails and two outdoor displays available year round. This is great for those wanting to beat the rush (and heat) of summer by visiting in the other seasons.
Your first stop should be the entrance viewpoint where the scenery is spectacular and you can orient yourself to the park’s facilities. Next, descend 100 m (328 ft.) to the valley floor and check in at the Field Station of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, the hub of activity for most visitors. Tyrrell researchers return year after year to Dinosaur Provincial Park, uncovering new evidence on the dozens of dinosaur species discovered here. The Field Station, a miniature version of the museum in Drumheller, showcases discoveries made at the park and lets you take a close look at fossil preparation and how it relates to current research. Browse through the bookstore operated by the Dinosaur Natural History Association, and be sure to visit the Native Species Garden.

Open year round. Full services Victoria Day weekend to Labour Day. Reduced service the remainder of the year. Park office hours: Mon-Fri 8:15-4:30. Field Station hours: Victoria Day-Labour Day: daily 8:15am-9pm. Labour Day-Thanksgiving: daily 8:15-4:30. Remainder of the year: Mon-Fri 8:15-4:30. Park staff are also available evenings and weekends. 48 km (30 miles) NE of Brooks on Highways 873 & 544. Park office: . Bus tours: . Campsite reservations: .

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