The town of Claresholm joined the Alberta Main Street Program in December of 1987. Soon the Main Street project office opened on the main floor of the Milne Block in downtown Claresholm, and revitalization began all around it. Today's downtown core consists of buildings spanning more than 80 years, in a range of architectural styles. Claresholm's architecture is an important component of its character, one which forms an important link with Alberta's past. Claresholm sought to strengthen this special identity by carrying out physical improvements to buildings in keeping with their historic integrity. Through the Alberta Main Street Program, citizens and businesses brought new life to Claresholm's past and present, and have begun to market the whole area as an attractive tourist destination. Come visit Claresholm and view our historic streetscape.
Office open: weekdays 8:30-noon. 221-45 Avenue West, Claresholm. .
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